
Run For Hope

PSOH is deeply honoured to have a wonderful team of dedicated and gifted children who have fully embraced the Children’s Lands Initiative and have already transformed the land by beginning to implement some of the visions and wishes that they have for the land.  This past Spring, the children used the money that they raised from their first run to create 28 box gardens… where they grew plants for themselves, for other people and for the natural world.  They also planted a mini fruit orchard with apple, peach, pear, cherry and plum trees.  They planted 28 cedar trees to create a beautiful hedge along the South side of their land, and they created a watering system that catches rain water in barrels — which they then use to water their gardens.  The children have many more exciting plans for their land and are so grateful to all of you who believe in them and support them.

We are very excited about the numbers of children that are joining us now for the Children’s Ceremonies and Programs… However our numbers are now exceeding what we can accommodate in our farmhouse.  This past summer we averaged between 40 – 70 participants who were all very comfortable to gather out on the land… but now that the colder weather is approaching, we are aware the we will need a gathering space for the winter.  All money raised during this year’s Run for Hope will be used to create a safe and winterized, indoor meeting space in the barn.

Introducing our Second Annual “Run for Hope” Team

This young gardener is holding the plants that he planted in his garden this past summer.  He planted these plants from seed and cared for them over the cold spring months.  He loves running and  says he loves to run “…. just because!”


This runner loves the outdoors and she really enjoyed planting her own garden this year.  In addition to the garden that she planted on our land, she also created a magical area at her home for the fairies and little people.  She is an amazing actress and looks forward to building an amphitheatre on our land where one day she will be able to perform plays.  She plans on running 6 KM this year.

This two year old will be joining us this year.  She loves to run and play and swim.  Her older sister has decided that she will run 2 laps this year (1 KM)… However, this young runner is extremely independant and always follows her own plans!  We are excited to have her join us this year and look forward to discovering what her plan for the day will be!

This is first year that this young runner will be joining the Run for Hope team.  He is 4 years old and he loves to run.  He says that he wants to run; :… as fast as the Dinosaurs… and Dinosaurs are really really fast!”

This will be the second Run for Hope for this young runner.  She says that her highlight last year was getting to run with her dog Abby.  She is an avid gardener and she set up a produce stand on the sidewalk in front of her house this year to sell plants and vegetables from her very own garden.  She looks forward to running with Abby again this year.  Her goal is to run 8 KM!

Our superstar gardener is holding a large bunch of carrots that he grew in his garden this past summer.  The amazing thing about his carrots is that instead of growing separately, they all clumped together in one big hug.  This young man loves to give hugs and his carrots obviously feel the same way!  This will be his first year to join us.  He loves his garden and plans to save his allowance all winter to buy carrot seeds so he can create his own carrot garden at his house next year.

This four year old loves coming to the land and playing in the back field where there is lots of mud.  her, and her dog Sunny both enjoy being covered in lots and lots of mud.  She has just started Kindergarten this year and has made a STOP and GO sign which she plans to bring with her so that we can use it for the run.  She is planning to run 5 laps this year (2.5 KM)

This four year old loves running – especially when it is outside in a large area.  He is happiest when he is outside helping “Daddy” work on the land.  This will be his second year to run in the Run for Hope.  He plans to run 5 KM this year and is very excited that his two cousins will be joining him.  He plans to be a “worker man” when he grows up!

This young runner loves cats, canoeing and being outside.  He grew gigantic zuccinni this year which he shared with all of his friends.  This will be his first year to join the Run for Hope team.  He is excited to see how far he can run.    

This brother and sister team decided to share a garden this year.  They created their own soil and planted sunflowers, cherry tomatoes and pumpkins.  They wanted the pumpkins to grow bigger than their house… and although they didn’t get quite that large, their pumpkins were HUGE!  They are both excited to join us this year for the run.


This young drummer enjoys coming to the children’s gatherings because “… I like what we do and it is fun.”  She says that she was excited to see the fruit growing on the trees this year.  She is excited to join us this year for our Run for Hope and is hoping to run 3 or 4 laps.


This young girl loves pine trees and playing outside.  She is looking forward to running with us on the weekend and being with her friends.